Their Majesties welcomed a group of Thimphu children to recite Lolay at Lingkana Palace on Nyilo on January 2. Nyilo is a holiday which marks the lengthening of days, and is celebrated as the beginning of a new year in parts of western Bhutan. The holiday is traditionally celebrated with children going from house to house reciting“Lolay” or wishes for a good year. The verses of this song describe all the different parts of a traditional homestead, wishing bounty and plenty for each part. The children would be presented with gifts of food, with which they enjoyed a picnic. The charming tradition has been revived since the late 2000’s, with the efforts of Tarayana Foundation and Folk Heritage Museum. Since then, it has become tradition for children to be welcomed to Lingkana Palace each year on Nyilo to sing Lolay wishes.
