Taekwondo: Chukha dzongkhag’s taekwondo association (TA) won the second national black belt senior and junior taekwondo championship that was organised by Bhutan Taekwondo Federation (BTF) at the swimming pool complex in Thimphu yesterday.
The association won eight gold, 11 silver and four bronze medals.
Thimphu Private Club came second with 11 gold, two silver and three bronze, followed by Haa Taekwondo Association with four gold, two silver and four bronze.
A total of 12 teams and 210 participants took part in the two-day championship.
The winners also took away a cash prize of Nu 30,000, Nu 20,000 and Nu 10,000 respectively.
Coinciding with the championship tournament BTF also hosted its second general assembly.
The BTF members discussed plans and strategies to improve taekwondo in the country. Issues concerning insufficiency of budget to accomplish BTF’s goals and the need to provide additional coaches in dzongkhag taekwondo associations topped the agenda.
Grandmaster Y Tharchen, secretary general of BTF, said that the federation was aware of the problems concerning the different DTAs. “Monetary issues are the main reason restricting the growth of taekwondo development.”
BTF currently spends Nu 3.8 million for the training of the national players annually.
Y Tharchen said that the federation has submitted a budget proposal to the Bhutan Olympic Committee. “Once the budget comes through, our first priority will be to support the annual programmes of the DTAs.”
Y Tharchen said that BTF would try its best to curb the problems that were raised during the meeting, and that the focus should be not on winning medals, but on producing quality taekwondo players in the country.
The first BTF general assembly was held in December 12, 2012. BTF was officially established in September 1, 1985.
The federation has 23,000 registered members.
By Younten Tshedup