… taking the total number of candidates to 15
Choki Wangmo | Tsirang
Druk Thuendrel Tshogpa (DTT) introduced the party’s General Secretary and three candidates from Tsirang, Sarpang, and Dagana dzongkhags in Tsirang yesterday.
The DTT president Kinga Tshering declared the candidates for Sergithang-Tsirangtoed, Shompangkha, and Drujyegang-Tseza constituencies while on his familiarisation tour of the southern dzongkhags. This takes the party’s declared members to 15.
Susan Lama, 40, from Shompangkha in Sarpang has a Master in Business Administration (international business) from Monash Business School in Australia. She worked in India for five years before working for Bank of Bhutan for 14 years. She worked as a freelancer until recently.
It is Khewal Ram Adhikari’s second time as a candidate in a political party. In 2018, he was Druk Phuensum Tshogpa’s Sergithang-Tsirangtoed candidate. The 54-year-old from Phuentenchu gewog worked in the private sector for more than two decades. He has an MBA from the University of Canberra in Australia.
Ganeshman Gurung (PhD), 46, from Akhochen in Khebisa is DTT’s Drujeygang-Tseza candidate. He first started his career as a teacher in 2000, and as a lecturer in the Samtse College of Education before declaring his candidature.
The party also appointed Kinley Wangdi from Lhuentse as its General Secretary. Kinley Wangdi has more than 30 years of experience as a civil servant. He was a former director in the foreign ministry and Ministry of Labour and Human Resources.
Registered in August this year, DTT is the fifth political party in the country. It is the first registered party in about 10 years as no political parties have been registered since the 2013 elections.
The party is yet to declare candidates from constituencies in Haa, Tashiyangtse, Samtse, Wangdue, Samdrupjonkhar, and Lhuentse dzongkhags.