Tsirang police recovered bodies of two men, a father and a son from Chachey River yesterday afternoon. The two drowned while swimming in the river.
The son, 17-year-old was a class VII student at Tsirangtoe Central School. During the three day Tsechu break, he had come home from school to help his parents. Although they live in Phungtenchu gewog, they had gone to work in their field, about 150 meters above Chachey Bridge in Goserling gewog yesterday.
As temperature rose towards the afternoon, the father and son went for a swim around 12.30pm. That was when the son began drowning. The 57-year-old father drowned when he tried to save his son.
The mother saw them drowning and before she could cry for help, the two drowned. Tsirang police received information an hour later and immediately reached the site.
Two and half hours later,police recovered the bodies from a deep pond. The bodies were handed over to the family. Sources said that the water volume in Chachey River is not large enough to drown people. It is said that the deep pond from where the bodies were recovered is actually the dam site of Chachey mini hydel.
Staff Reporter