So as to conserve the fisheries and help in the dzongkhag’s socio-economic development
Livestock: The national centre for riverine and lake fisheries, under the department of livestock at Haa, will be legalising fishing in the Haachu for tourists and locals starting this year.
According to the livestock production officer, Karma Wangchuk, the decision was taken to conserve the fisheries and help in the socio-economic development of the dzongkhag.
The centre will develop a management plan, where specific areas and timing will be designated for fishing for both tourist and locals. The community will be given the ownership of the areas, and will be responsible for issuing fishing permits.
“We want the communities to be responsible for the fisheries,” Karma Wangchuk said. “We want them to manage the fisheries in a sustainable manner.”
The most common fish in the Haachu today is the brown and snow trout. It also has Asala, a native species. Once the programme starts, fishing will be allowed in places like Sama and Bji gewogs.
Karma Wangchuk said, according to people in Haa, the river was not as populated with fish as it used to be a decade ago. A standardised practice of fishing was needed, he said, to maintain a constant population of fish in the river.
Developmental activities and illegal fishing were the main reasons for the decrease in the number of fish. “Illegal fishing will happen, no matter what, which is why rules and regulations that will maintain a permissible size and number on fishing will be put in place,” Karma Wangchuk said.
The centre has completed drafting the framework and consultation programmes. They are yet to appoint the communities to take control of the designated areas, but he said that the people of Haa have shown their support to comply by the rule and regulations.
All revenue collected from fishing will be collected and used for the development of the community.
The programme was supposed to start last December but got delayed, since October to December was the breeding season when no fishing is allowed.
By Younten Tshedup