Four days after Kuenzangling Central School in Trashiyantse reported students suffering from acute Gastroenteritis, the infection has been largely contained, officials said.
The school’s principal, Karma Tshering, said three students reported sick on August 13. The school saw eight more cases on August 14, who were taken for medical checkup at Tongzhang BHU.
A total of 14 students suffered from the infection.
On August 15, clinical officer of Khamdang BHU I, Namgay, reported that there were no severe problems. The students were however, referred to the dzongkhag hospital the same day.
Diarrhoea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, and fever were common symptoms among the infected students. Namgay said it could be a case of food poisoning.
The sick student had returned from their villages with packed lunch after their annual community ritual. A group of boys had eaten the packed food together in the evening.
The students were discharged from the hospital yesterday.
Dzongkhag health officer, Singye Dorji, said a similar outbreak occurred in Bayling Central School last year. “This is the first case this year. We have been regularly sensitising the schools on preventive measures.”
Ugyen Dorji