While serving as a teacher in his own dzongkhag for a decade, Sonam Leki thought he could do more for Zhemgang and the people of Khenrig-Namsum.
The father of three from Tshaidang, Nangkhor gewog has drawn a long list to do and is hoping that his constituents would give him a seat in the House of Review this election to execute his plans.
Sonam Leki is going door-to-door, conducting familiarisation tour in the gewogs and soliciting support these days.
After completing his schooling from the dzongkhag, he earned a Bachelors degree in Education with Physics and Chemistry as the main subjects from the Samtse College of Education in 2006.
He taught in Yebilaptsa Middle Secondary School and resigned from Drukgyel Central School, Paro, in September last year. “I decided to contest to provide people a choice and elect the best person to serve them.”
He said he would strengthen the rule of law and its review and draw on his experience as a teacher to focus on education with IT.
His other priorities include youth unemployment, local government public services delivery, reinforce and invite participation of the tourism and hospitality sectors to his locality and encourage proper land management with agriculture.
“We need to increase agriculture production so that the dzongkhag becomes the least importer of agricultural goods in the country,” Sonam Leki said.
He said he has been to almost all villages in the dzongkhag while working as a teacher in the Yebilaptsa Middle Secondary School. “This has helped me understand the development needs in every gewog.”
Tshering Palden