Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
Although Mongar dzongkhag issued a notification prohibiting vendors to sell vegetables at Gangola vegetable shed, farmers still continue their business.
With cracks on walls and base of the vegetable shed, Mongar dzongkhag officials have asked vendors to stop selling from it temporarily.
About 25 farmers from Chali gewog, who sell from the shed every day, say they take the risk, as selling from the shed fetches them more income than selling it to businessmen, who come to their doorstep.
A villager, Pema Dema, 54, said a hand of banana fetches Nu 1,200 when she sells at Gangola. “When people come to our village, they give only Nu 300 for a hand.”
She also said that she fetches more than Nu 2,000 every day from selling vegetables, fruits, grounded maize, eggs and dairy products. “It’s difficult to earn even Nu 500 from home and I resumed selling from the market shed.”
Another vendor, Jangchub, said taking their farm produces to Mongar involved additional cost. “We also have a good market here because of the location.”
Officials of the regional agricultural marketing and cooperative (RAMCO) in Mongar said they are working closely with relevant stakeholders to repair the shed.
RAMCO’s regional coordinator, Dorji Rinchen, said they are proposing a budget with stakeholders, as the shed benefits farmers. “We hope the shed could be repaired this year itself.”
RAMCO constructed the old shed through funding from government of India in 2008. The Office of the Gyaltshab in Gyalpoizhing repaired and expanded it in 2015.
Meanwhile, farmers from Tsakaling and Lhuentse also benefit from the shed, as they bring their farm produces in bulk and ask vendors to sell it for them.
Located at the Mongar-Lhuentse junction, vendors say they do not face the dearth of buyers.