The party is requesting the government to shelve its plan
Meat: Druk Chirwang Tshogpa (DCT) said that the party is shocked at and deeply distressed by the government’s plan to start slaughterhouses in the country.
The party said that while economic self-reliance and food self-sufficiency are critical national objectives, the government must also remember that it must fulfill the mandate without causing unnecessary distress to the people.
In a press release issued yesterday, the party recommended the government to explore innovative ideas to offset the negative balance of trade and rupee deficit in the economy, describing the government’s plan as “quick-fix solutions”.
DCT said that opening of abattoirs and meat-processing units contradict with the age-old Buddhist values and reflect poorly of the government’s economic strategy to boost the economy. “Although we cannot deny the fact that meat imports result in outflow of substantial amount of rupee from the economy, the overall trend is largely due to excessive imports against exports across all sectors.”
The party said that it would make better sense if the government comes up with viable alternatives and long-term strategies to boost exports and revitalise our economy than focusing on “small and pet projects”.
DCT said the government’s economic plans must be in line with the guiding principles of GNH. “All major policies have to undergo GNH screening test and we hope the government will apply the screening measures to projects and programs as well.”
Government should be mindful of the repercussions of such initiatives and take into consideration the sentiments of people of Bhutan, said DCT. “We hope good sense will prevail and the plan to start slaughterhouses will be shelved for good.”
By MB Subba