So many paths chasing the same destination, searching and striving, moving but never arriving. This column aims to shed light on the goal of all goals: Happiness. In this edition of Happiness with Mr Bhutan, I had the pleasure of speaking with, Tshering Denkar, a passionate travel vlogger and social media influencer. She shared her thoughts on the good life.

How would you personally define happiness?

I define happiness as the fulfillment found in what you are currently doing in life.

Now that we have an understanding of your definition of happiness, let’s explore how you experience it in your own life. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current level of happiness, where 1 represents barely surviving and 10 represents thriving?

I rate myself a 9.

Please list, in order of importance, the five most significant factors that contribute to your happiness.

My Parents: Without my parents, I wouldn’t exist. They are my top priority in life, and I am always available to them. I spend time with my mother and father regularly, and I am deeply grateful to them for bringing me into this world.

My Career: I feel very fortunate to have my passion for travel as my profession. I enjoy vlogging about pilgrimages.

My Partner: Your romantic partner can either make or break your day. I value having a partner to share my life with, open and clear communication is very important to me. We often travel together.

Practicing Gratitude: I believe in energy. It is important for me to acknowledge all that I have, and I do not take it for granted. I make a point to express my gratitude verbally to the people around me. I also frequently use #blessed on social media.

Buddhism: I practice the Buddhist law of impermanence. Two years ago, I created a prayer room at home, and I start each day by praying at my home altar. This ritual keeps me grounded when the world pulls me in all directions and has strengthened my self-discipline. I am a devotee of Guru Rinpoche.

How do you see your role in contributing to the happiness and well-being of the people of Bhutan?

I helped introduce and encourage domestic travel, which I am very proud of. My work has promoted pilgrimage within Bhutan, helping many Bhutanese realise how beautiful our country is. I also make a special effort to promote goodwill and awareness. I am acutely aware of my responsibilities and the privilege that social media has afforded me. I hope my work contributes to our people’s happiness.

How important is money to your happiness?

Money isn’t everything. However, if you do have money, it makes your life easier and more comfortable.

Assessment of Tshering Denkar, based on an in-person interview and responses to Mr Bhutan’s Health and Happiness Questionnaire


Sleep Score: (Very poor sleep)


Advice: Prioritising her sleep will enhance the quality of her health, work, and life. Our bodies have evolved to exert themselves physically and mentally during the day and rest during darkness. Although the world we inhabit has changed dramatically, our bodies have mostly remained the same. Respecting this rhythm by avoiding staying awake beyond 11p.m. and ensuring an 8-hour sleep opportunity will contribute immensely to her overall well-being and also stoke her creativity as a vlogger. A well-rested mind can think more broadly, deeply, and creatively.

Nutrition Score: (Poor nutrition)


Advice: Postponing the first calorie intake (whether drunk or eaten) by two hours will allow for more fat burning, detoxification, and an increased healing period for her body and brain, thereby enhancing her overall immunity.

Make a special effort to prepare and eat most of her meals at home, leaning towards a diet that prioritizes fruits and vegetables at most meals.

Movement Score: (Poor)


Advice: Sitting is the new smoking! Reducing sitting time by standing more often and spending time on the floor will contribute to her well-being.

Incorporating resistance training for the whole body, using simple tools at home or in a fitness center, is highly recommended. Training just once a week is sufficient to experience significant benefits in strength and wellness.

Happiness Score: (Very Happy)

Advice: Denkar’s happiness shines brightly. The area holding her back is the challenge of forgiving those she feels have wronged her. But forgiveness isn’t about them, it’s about freeing herself. Holding onto the past weighs you down, while letting go unburdens you, allowing you to rise higher and move forward. Make a habit of letting go.

One way for her to practice forgiveness is by imagining her parents as the ones at fault and asking herself, “Would I still respond the same way?” While forgiveness can be difficult, it is essential for a light heart and a peaceful life.

Denkar is an enthusiastic woman who loves what she does. I felt a sense of peace and clarity exuding from her. Her near-death experience in 2018 cleared the fog from her eyes, granting her profound clarity, courage, and immense strength to pursue the life she has envisioned for herself. She has transformed an obstacle into a lifelong blessing.

I would highly encourage her to immerse herself daily in the feelings that arose while she faced Yama directly. I am convinced this daily habit will add even more joy to her already fulfilling life.


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