With the donation of two more medical camp kits (MCKs) to the health ministry yesterday, the WHO has given a total of seven MCKs to the ministry to date.
MCKs are sets of ready-to-use equipment.
It includes tents, furniture, basic medical equipment, sanitation facilities, electrical supplies and water connections which can be set up to supplement or help replace damaged health facilities during emergencies.
It can also be set up as a temporary primary health facility in a remote place without health services.
A set of MCK consists of male and female wards, a maternity room, a consultation room, staff quarters, and storage facilities.
Five MCKs received earlier were distributed to the national referral hospital in Thimphu, the two regional referral hospitals in Mongar and Gelephu, and Trashigang and Trashiyangtse district hospitals.
A press release from the health ministry states that the ministry will distribute these two new sets to the health facilities after careful assessment of the needs.
“Besides the support in providing the MCKs, WHO has also been supporting the ministry both financially and technically in conducting MCK installation training,” it states.
MCK installation training was conducted for Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital in Thimphu in November 2016 and for eastern regional referral hospital in Mongar in November 2017.
“We plan to conduct similar training for central regional referral hospital in Gelephu in November this year,” it states.
Staff reporter