Kidu: His Royal Highness Gyaltshab Prince Jigme Dorji Wangchuck granted semso and conveyed His Majesty The King’s command to grant CGI sheets, timber, Khimsa (plot for house construction) and other necessary supports for the construction of new houses for the families affected by landslides on August 24.
HRH inspected the structures and areas affected by the landslides and later met with the affected families and conveyed the deep concerns and condolences from His Majesty The King. On behalf of His Majesty The King, HRH granted cash semso of Nu 20,000 each to the affected families.
HRH commanded Lhuentse dzongkhag to identify a suitable area of state land for khimsa and to prepare designs and work plans for the construction of new houses to be submitted to His Majesty The King.
About 20 villagers were evacuated from their homes on August 29 after a landslide hit Yumche village in Lhuentse’s Jarey gewog on August 24.
The evacuated families have been living in temporary sheds since. Arrangements were made by Lhuentse dzongkhag and Jarey gewog office upon the command of His Majesty The King on August 27.
“I am very thankful to HRH for visiting our village,” said Kinzang Choden, a Yumche villager.
Zangmo, 80, resolutely refrained to going away with her children even as they came from Thimphu to take her with them. She now has the gift from HRH, the land on which she can build a modest home for herself.
A total of eight structures, including a lhakhang, an outreach clinic, and six residential houses were affected by the slide.
HRH has commanded that a thorough study be done to assess the damage. HRH granted tokha to more than 200 people of the village and nearby areas.
Tashi Phuntsho, Lhuentse