Award: Following the National Day celebration at the Sherubling Central School grounds, His Majesty The King granted patang to the chairpersons or thrizins of the Dzongkhag Tshogdus (DT) of the twenty dzongkhags in the goenkhang of the Trongsa Chokhor Rabtentse Dzong yesterday evening.
The patangs were granted in recognition of the important role that the local government plays in achieving the development goals of the country, and as an effort to further the process of decentralisation, according to a press release from the Royal Office of Media.
His Majesty The King said to the thrizins that contrary to what is often perceived, local government is not the lowest level of government, but the nearest and closest level of government for the people.
Local governments are indispensable avenues through which the rural population can participate in democracy and development, and the success of the democracy in the long run would be determined to a large extent by the success of local governments.
Expressing his gratitude, the Trongsa DT thrizin, Ugyen Tenzin said the patang comes with additional responsibility. He said that he had served the civil service in different capacities for the last 30 years. “This is the most unforgettable moment in my life,” he said.
He said that His Majesty The King has commanded the thrizins to serve the Tsawa-Sum with utmost devotion and loyalty. He added that His Majesty The King placed His trust in the thrizins to efficiently implement the developmental activities in their respective dzongkhags in collaboration with the dzongkhag administrations.
“Never before were thrizins bestowed with such an honour. I am truly privileged,” he said.
The Dagana thrizin, Lhawang Dorji, who served as a gup since 2002, was taken aback when His Majesty the King awarded patang. “I still find it hard to believe, nevertheless we’re fortunate,” he said, adding that thrizins were simply called for a programme at the dzong not expecting patang.
Patang, he said, is motivation to further contribute to the decentralised policy envisaged by the Monarchs thereby serving the people.
Similarly the Haa thrizin, Thinley said they were ushered into the dzong without any indication that they would be awarded with patang. “It was like a dream,” he said.
“The fact that we were awarded with patang in the Chhokhor Rabtentse Dzong in Trongsa is of special significance in history because only Trongsa Penlops had the tradition of getting Dakyen from this very Dzong,” he said.
In the last two months, Thinley said he gave his best to serve the people. The patang comes as inspiration to further dedicate his service to the Tsawa-Sum.
Tshering Dorji | Trongsa
Additional reporting by Nima Wangdi