His Majesty the King arrived in Sydney, Australia, on the morning of October 10, aboard a special Drukair flight, accompanied by Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, Their Royal Highnesses Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck, and Gyalsem Sonam Yangden Wangchuck.

His Majesty was welcomed to Australia by the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Her Excellency the Honourable Sam Mostyn, AC, who received His Majesty at Admiralty House, the Governor General’s official residence in Sydney.

Today, His Majesty will grant the first of a series of audiences to Bhutanese living in Sydney and nearby areas.

The Bhutanese community attending the Royal Audience will also have the opportunity to receive blessings from sacred nangtens brought specially to Australia from Bhutan by the Dorji Lopen and members of the Zhung Dratshang.
