A 52-year-old woman who suffered minor head injury after the public transport bus she was travelling in veered off  the road yesterday above Sechangthang in Sarpang is in stable condition and is recovering at Sarpang hospital.

The incident took place around 8.30am when the bus (Meto Transport) was on its way to Thimphu from Gelephu. Although at least 13 passengers were evacuated to Sarpang hospital, only three of them required treatment for injuries.

The incident occurred when the bus was giving way to the truck. To avoid collision, the bus driver turned slightly towards the edge of the road. The wheels touched onloose soil and the bus toppled, driver Tshering said.

“Had I not been quick enough to turn towards the edge, the tipper would have hit the bus and there could have been several casualties,” he said.

The bus was carrying 17 passengers, including a child.

The tipper driver was brought to police station for interrogation. Both the drivers were released after they submitted written statements.

“They’ll report today for further interrogation,” a police official said.

This is the third motor vehicle accident in Sarpang in the last three days.

On May 20, a truck hit a 58-year-old man in Setikharey Gelephu, who later died in Gelephu Referral hospital. The following day, a bolero pickup truck collided with a car between Sarpang and Gelephu.

Nirmala Pokhrel |Tsirang
