Nim Dorji | Trongsa
With Mangdechu separating Nubi gewog centre and three villages of Jongthang, Karshong and Gagar, a ring road would be constructed from Bemji to Karshong village.
While the government of India would fund Nu 2 million to construct the farm road, there is no budget allocated for a bridge over the river. Agriculture minister Yeshey Penjor promised the residents that the ministry would explore funds for the bridge construction.
Residents of Jongthang are, however, unhappy with the change in road alignment and bridge location.
They claim the initial survey was conducted from Prazamgang, where all their fields are located but the gewog has recently decided to construct the road from Nge Ari to Thrispang and Pangledema.
A villager, Thinley, said paddy fields belonging to 30 households and community forest is on the other side of the village and a motorable road and bridge would benefit them. “The ring road will not benefit us much, as it is far from our village and fields.”
He claimed people even assured they would not object if the road goes through their fields. “We would easily transport our agriculture products and timber in vehicle if the motorable road and bridge are in Prazamgang.”
According to Thinley, people transport timber through the river in winter, risking their lives as of now.
The people of Jongthang raised the issue during the visit of Lyonpo Yeshey Penjor to their village, but nothing was done as the gewog tshogde took the decision.
Nubi gup Ugen Tenzin said since there was disagreement among the people of Gagar, Karshong and Jongthang about the location of the bridge, the issue was forwarded to the gewog. “It was discussed during the sixth gewog tshogde and with most members supporting the present location, we informed the dzongkhag and government about the change in bridge location and road alignment.”
The gup explained that if the bridge is constructed in the location where the people of Jongthang want, it will be benefiting only one village. “The present location will benefit all the people of Gagar, Karshong, Pang, Sembji as it is in the centre.”
He said that during a consultation meeting with the people of Jongthang, the people were informed that a power tiller road would be constructed from the bridge point to their land.
With disagreement among the people over the location, a team from the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement was called for inspection. The team found the current location feasible for the construction.
According to the gup, in the current location only a 40ms long bridge is needed whereas in Prazamgang, 50ms bridge with protection wall of 300 to 400ms is needed. “It would increase the cost of bridge construction.”