Chhumig – Ura, Bumthang
Registered voters: 4,310 | Male: 2,023 | Female: 2,287
Tshering Lhadon
Age: 42
Work experience: 19 years in the Civil Service. Officiating Assistant Dzongkhag Agricultural Officer
Education: B.Sc. Agriculture
What was your inspiration to become a politician?
My aspiration to join politics is mainly because of my President, who is a doer and a man of his word. Also, a mix of professional and seasoned candidates make up the majority of our party. It is also my belief in the believable and doable, Zhetsa and Tawa, “Your Voice Your Hope”.
What is one thing Bhutan needs from the political parties today?
Our country needs a clean and fair election process, regain trust and faith in political parties and serve our Tsa Wa Sum with full dedication leaving behind self-benefits.
What do you think about your opponent?
My opponent is a very experienced individual. I would like to wish him the very best during the elections.
The parties in general elections have only a few female candidates. Why?
I feel that there is less participation from females because of the less support from the voters.
How do you think your work experiences will make you an effective representative of your constituency?
Most of the households depend on agriculture and livestock as the source of their income and I have an agriculture background to enhance it to the maximum level.
What are the two problems of your constituency that you will prioritise to address?
The first problem people in my constituency face is the potato market. The problem arises with price fluctuations. The second problem would be Human-wildlife conflict that is persistent even today.
With your work experience in public service, what can you offer to the voters of your constituency compared to the past?
With my years of experience in the field of agriculture, I will solve the potato marketing problems, enhance commercial farming through mechanisation and improve the access of farm produce to reach the market with pliable chiwog/village roads, year-round.
Sonam Rinchen
Age: 64
Work experience: 34 years in the Civil Service . Worked as Trongsa Dzongdag and as head of various agencies
Education: Masters in Public Administration, Pennsylvania State University, USA
What was your inspiration to become a politician?
The primary role of a politician is to enact laws and make public policies. But I also realised that a politician can also serve the constituency he or she represents. I am inspired to become a politician as it gives me a sense of purpose, that is, to serve my King, Country and People.
What is one thing Bhutan needs from the political parties today?
Bhutan is in the midst of unprecedented challenges. Our nation’s economy is on the brink of collapse. The one thing Bhutan needs from the political parties today is to revive the economy with the greatest sense of urgency. Failure to do so will plunge the country into economic depression.
What do you think about your opponent?
My political opponent is a lady who is highly motivated, energetic and enthusiastic. I applaud her efforts and wish her the very best of luck.
The parties in general elections have only a few female candidates. Why?
Women are generally under-represented in political offices worldwide, and their under-representation is more so in Bhutan. I guess it’s their unwillingness to take up politics
How do you think your work experiences will make you an effective representative of your constituency?
Having worked for more than 34 years in the Civil Service, I am confident that my experience will serve me in good stead. I have gained adequate experience in local governance having served as the Chief Executive of District Administration.
What are the two problems of your constituency that you will prioritise to address?
The first one is to immediately protect crops from wild animals. Significant yield losses are caused by wild animals. Chain-link fencing is the most effective deterrent that can last for many years.
The only viable cash crop in my constituency is potatoes. However, the farmers are not able to fetch even the cost of production without making any marginal benefits from the sale. We need to find alternative ways of exporting the product to third countries and get rid of the middlemen who take advantage of farmers by fixing prices as they seem to gang up as syndicates.
With your work experience in public service, what can you offer to the voters of your constituency compared to the past?
In the past, I was mostly involved in framing policies & regulations. It was only at the tail end of my career that I got an opportunity to serve at the local level. I am acutely aware of the problems faced by my constituency in terms of human wildlife conflict, youth unemployment, lack of market access to local organic produce, etc. Many youths are languishing in despair as they cannot find jobs to sustain their livelihood. I am passionate about helping youths acquire vocational skills enhancing their employability and supporting personal development. I am a certified skilled electrician and I know how valuable skills are in the world of work.