Khamaed – Lunana, Gasa
Registered voters: 1,175 | Male: 536 | Female: 639
Age: 31
Work experience: Businessman and social worker
Education: Bachelor in Environmental Studies and Economics in 2018
Why did you join politics?
Coming from the extreme backwaters of our country, I feel our people in the highlands deserve equal opportunities and better access to basic services. Therefore, I come forward to serve our people well by being the bridge between them and the government. It’s not my first time as I have given a shot in 2018 and I haven’t given up because my passion is genuine.
How do you describe your opponent?
He is a formidable opponent who had served in the Parliament during PDP’s tenure. He is vocal and confident and this keeps pushing me to work even harder. So, I thank him for that.
What advantage do you see over your opponent?
I think it’s my humility and passion to serve the people. Moreover, people are looking forward to a new face, change and I have the advantage in that sense.
On what basis should people assess a political candidate?
That is quite subjective because perception could differ and it’s not fixed. However, in general, people should choose a candidate, who empathizes with the concerns of the people, engages with them and more importantly serves with humility.
Latest book you have read. Why should people read it?
‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu and people should read it because it offers valuable strategic insights that can be applied in various aspects of life, including politics.
The use of money is essential in political campaigns. Do you agree?
Yes! We need money for campaigns and it’s essential to compensate our coordinators for their effort.
Do you believe that having women in political leadership is necessary? Why?
Yes! Women make up a little over half of the population in our country and their perspectives and experiences differ from men. Women leadership ensures a more diverse range of voices and perspectives, leading to more inclusive and informed decision-making processes.
Pema Drukpa
Age: 40
Work experience: Project Manager with TransBhutan Trail, served as an Member of Parliament from 2013 to 2018
Education: Master of Business Administration from the University of Canberra, Australia
Why did you join politics?
I have joined politics as it is a national call and I feel I can make a difference in each and everyone’s life in my community in terms of addressing concerns and aspirations of the youth and the people at large of my community.
How do you describe your opponent?
My opponent is a nice guy
What advantage do you see over your opponent?
In politics there is no such advantage, it depends upon the voters, as today I have an advantage over my opponent but it will change with time.
On what basis should people assess a political candidate?
The basis people should assess a political candidate in terms of maturity, qualification, Experience, Exposure and willingness to help people and to work for the benefit of the people.
Latest book you have read. Why should people read it?
Politics on the edge as it teaches you how the political can switch tables.
The use of money is essential in political campaigns. Do you agree?
The use of money in political campaigns is not essential. As nowadays people know whom to vote for and people have become mature and know political parties well.
Do you think there should be a quota for women? Why?
Having women in political leadership is important as we need a blend in whatever sphere.