Lhuentse did not change its choice yesterday.
As it did in the primary round, Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) won Gangzur-Minjey constituency, while Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) won Maenbi-Tsaenkhar constituency.
In Gangzur-Minjey constituency, DNT’s Kinga Penjor secured 3,026 votes to win from DPT’s Tshering Dorji who secured 2,638 votes.
Kinga Penjor won 1,440 postal votes and 1,586 EVM votes, while Tshering Phuntsho secured 1,385 postal votes and 1,253 EVM votes. With a vote difference of 488, Kinga Penjor won in both postal and EVM votes.
DPT’s Choki Gyentshen won in Maenbi-Tsaenkhar constituency with 2,941 votes against DNT’s 2,579 votes. Choki Gyeltshen secured 1,537 postal votes and 1,404 EVM votes against DNT’s Tshering Phuntsho who got 1,246 postal ballots and 1,333 EVM votes. Choki Gyeltshen also won both postal and EVM votes with the vote difference of 362.
Of the 6,703 registered for postal ballots, 5,646 were received of which 38 were rejected. Of the rejected, 30 were rejected while opening envelope A, while eight were rejected while opening envelope B.
Ballots without IDC, not registered for postal ballot, registered for double vote (postal and EVM), and without or incomplete VPIC number were the reasons for rejection, according the returning officers.
With 11,222 of the 16,587 registered voters turning up, the voter turnout is about 67.6 percent in the dzongkhag.
Tshering Namgyal | Lhuentse