Road constructions and landslides are other reasons for some targets not being met
MTR: While Gasa has achieved 67 percent of its 11th Plan activities, the dzongkhag has requested reducing the targets of paddy, wheat, barley, potato and egg production during its midterm review (MTR) held yesterday.
Gasa dzongdag Dorji Dhradhul said the dzongkhag has achieved producing only 165.5 metric tonnes (MT) of paddy against its target of 300MT.
He explained this was because around 46 acres of land was fallow due to rural-urban migration and human-wildlife conflict. Fields damaged by road constructions, a flash flood at Damji in 2012, farm labour shortages, and lands being washed away by landslides were other causes, he said.
The dzongdag requested a reduction in wheat production from an initial target of 50MT to 21MT, as Gasa had achieved only 20.72MT.
It was also requested that the target for barley production be reduced to 162MT from 250MT. The decrease was requested as crops are mostly being used to feed cattle before harvesting, preference for rice over wheat and barley production, and labor shortages, explained the dzongdag.
Reducing potato production to 255MT from 800MT, and egg production to 12,100 dozens from 20,000 were also requested. The dzongkhag has produced only 254.19MT, due to a labor shortage and because the area falls under the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Park, said the dzongdag.
Dzongdag Dorji Dhradhul said the dzongkhag saw one neonatal death in 2014, which was attributed to being a preterm delivery and the patient’s refusal to get further medical treatment.
To achieve 100 percent net enrolment in Laya and Lunana, the dzongkhag suggested making June the summer break so students are free to collect the cordycep fungi.
Dorji Dhradhul said the dzongkhag has achieved production of 429.5MT of milk against its target of 420MT, and that 137.57MT of vegetables, against a target of 200MT, had been produced.
Vegetables include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, chilli, carrot, beans, radish, garlic, asparagus, green leaves, turnip, peas and the tree tomato. Gasa has also collected 148.17kg of cordycep fungus against its target of 180kg.
The dzongkhag has achieved 95 percent immunisation, a zero under-five mortality rate and zero incidences of maternal mortality. Around 90 percent of Gasa’s households have access to improved sanitation and 100 percent households were provided with clean water.
Around 364 of 535 households in Gasa have been electrified. Works to electrify remaining households is expected to be completed by the end of this month.
Except for 12 households in Wachey and five in Yesona, 518 of 535 households in Gasa has mobile connectivity. Two of the four gewogs have roads, while construction of the road to Laya is ongoing.
The much-awaited black topping of the 75km Gasa road will begin soon, of which 35km will be completed within the 11th Plan. During the MTR, it was also decided that the BHU in Gasa would be equipped with grade-I facilities within three months.
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay asked the education ministry to look into possibilities of upgrading Bjishong central school to class XII, and the works and human settlement ministry to handover the throm planning to the dzongkhag for implementation by June.
Dawa Gyelmo