The rating of individual work plans (IWP) for Renewable Nature Resource (RNR) staff under gewogs could be done directly by gewog administrative officers if the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) approves, according to local government members of Mongar.
Mongar dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) passed the resolution on December 27. The resolution would be forwarded to the RCSC.
The local government leaders reasoned that when RNR staff provide service to the public, they consult and seek help from local leaders and administrative officers.
Today, the sector heads in the dzongkhag conduct the IWP rating.Jurmey gewog gup raised the matter after finding discrepancies of IWP rating with the RNR staff in their respective areas.
Gup Rinchen Gyalpo said the gewog administration officers are the right person to do the ratings because they know about the RNR staff and their work.
Saling gup, Choney Dorji, said there is a problem in the IWP rating of teachers, as teachers have to compulsorily pass the students to get good rating. He said this would bring down the quality of education.
Silambi gewog administration officer, Namgay Wangmo, said they have to monitor all civil servants in the gewog but when it comes to IWP rating, they do not have the authority.
As per section 271 of the Local Government Act 2009 section 271, GAOs have the mandate to monitor and guide all civil servants in the gewog.
Tashi Phuntsho | Mongar