Mongar town residents, who suffer water shortage, are waiting for the commissioning of the two water treatment plants in the dzongkhag to operate.
The water treatment plants, one in Wengkhar village and another in Changshingpek, have the capacity to store 165,000 litres of water.
The dzongkhag, through the national adaptation program of actions (NAPA), constructed the plants with Nu 39 million (M) since 2014. The construction completed in 2017 but the road widening affected the pipelines.
The NAPA project engineer Tshering Phuntsho said they would supply the water when there is a shortage in the town.
The town residents face water shortage during the lean season of March, April and May and during monsoon.
Meanwhile, of the two steel tanks constructed, the one in Wengkhar would be supplied with water from Theambijud and Jaibaap with the help of four-inch pipes.
Two water pumping machines were installed in the Changshingpek water tank, which was about 3km away. The machines will pump water towards hillside where water treatment plant located at Kadam above Mongar dzongkhag administration.
Tshering Phuntsho said NAPA was awarded two projects, one for maintenance of drinking water from Yakpogang water source and another was the installation of water pumping machines and steel tanks.
The dzongkhag’s development regulatory officer, Ram Bahadur Darjee, said people faced frequent water problem in the town area because of increase in population and many construction projects.
“After the commissioning of water treatment plant, the people will get clean water,” he said.
Mongar thromde ngotshab, Namgay Dorji, said there are more than five water sources for the town.
He said there are more than 5000 people living in the town area including the schools, hospital, private, business and shopkeepers and hoteliers.
Tashi Phuntsho | Mongar