Phurpa Lhamo | Gasa
More than 100 individuals are stranded at the Gasa, and Chubbu tshachu since the announcement of the lockdown on December 22.
Yesterday, 76 individuals stranded at Gasa tshachu from nearby dzongkhags and areas were sent home after they tested negative on the RDT antigen test.
According to Gasa tshachu manager, Tandin Dorji the current 24 stranded individuals at the tshachu came from Trongsa, Trashiyangtse, Bumthang and Mongar dzongkhags. They will leave for home today.
While most stranded individuals have their own vehicles, those without one were provided taxi services managed by the dzongkhag. The taxis were advised to return the same day.
Around 80 individuals are at Chubbu tshachu in Toedwang gewog.
Toedwang Gup Touchu said that soon after the lockdown announcement, visitors at the tshachu were asked to leave. Some had left on the day.
The tshachu was closed to public on December 22.
Today, a gewog representative is on-site to help address the issues.
Gup Touchu said that the gewog representative at the site has been advised to send details of those who wanted to leave.
“There were some who wanted to go on Sunday and Monday. We will collect their details and send them to the dzongkhag administration,” he said. “Antigen tests are compulsory, so they have to take the tests for them to go.”
The visitors have no issues of fooding and lodging, he said the gewog would seek help from the dzongkhag in case if needed.