The pledge advocates gender equality
Gender: More than a thousand Bhutanese have now joined the HeForShe movement for gender equality, the latest being National Assembly Speaker, Jigme Zangpo, according to a UNDP press release.
Eighteen members of parliament became HeForShe advocates, yesterday.
The HeForShe campaign is a global solidarity movement in support of women’s rights and full equality between women and men.
“Over 60 percent of civil servants are women. Where we are lacking is in Parliament. Parliament only has 8 percent (women) and we are rigorously working with UN agencies to increase women’s leadership role in parliament,” the Speaker said.
In Bhutan, UN Women and RENEW are working together to spread the HeForShe campaign throughout the country. Their work puts men at the centre of activism and dialogue to end persistent inequalities faced by women and girls throughout Bhutan.
“The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality is often overlooked,” said Christina Carlson, UN Resident Coordinator in Bhutan. “Yet men also recognise that when women are empowered, the whole of society benefits. HeforShe is a way for men to show their support,” she added.
At the inauguration of the HeForShe campaign, Secretary General Ban-ki Moon highlighted that HeForShe has signed up fathers who want to raise empowered daughters; leaders who know their societies will be stronger when there are as many women in parliament and in business as men; and ordinary people who are fed up with violence and discrimination against women – and want to be part of a global force for change.
Over the last 18 months, the global campaign has mobilised more than a billion men and boys as advocates and agents of change for gender equality.
Staff reporter