Of more than 800 eligible voters in Chang gewog in Thimphu, only 63 voters showed up for the first common forum held at the gewog office on March 24.
The common forum for Thimphu began from Chang gewog. There are five candidates running for the post of National Council (NC).
Only 34 voters turned out at the forum in Darkarla gewog that has more than 400 voters.
Kawang gewog also saw only 80 voters turn up at the common forum held yesterday; Thimphu thromde that has more than 7,000 eligible voters, saw only 14 voters come to attend the common forum.
The five candidates of Thimphu stressed on the importance of working hand-in-hand with the community during the first common forum.
Sangay Tshering, 28, from Maedwang gewog promised that if elected he would sit and discuss issue with the people to raise them at the National Council.
Tshokey Dorji, 33 from Thimphu throm said he would take an opportunity and use his experience in law and policy making.
From Kawang gewog, former Thimphu dzongda, Tshewang Rinzin,54 promised to be people’s eyes and mouth and said that he would actively participate in the policy making or revision of old laws.
Incumbent Nima Gyeltshen, 34, from Chang gewog, shared with voters what he had done in last five years. He added that given a second chance to serve as their representative again, he would continue from where he left.
Leki Tshering, 40, from Ge-Nyen gewog, said that having served as teacher for last 12 years, he understood various problems faced by students and teachers with different laws.
Currently, the candidates are campaigning door to door, which will end at 9am on April 18.
The last common forum would be held in Lingzhi gewog on April 5.
There are a total of 14,272 eligible voters in Thimphu.
Yangchen C Rinzin