Nima Wangdi
Pregnant women in Laya can now access specialised mother and child health care services from specialists in JDWNRH through integral Cardiotocography (iCTG).
A specialist at Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital can check pregnant women living afar using this technology.
The service was installed in Gasa on September 28. Sowai Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Bhutan’s Chief Representative Tomoyuki Yamada, Deputy Resident Representative of United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Bhutan, Khurshid Alam launched the service.
iCTG is a web-based innovative technology that can help to improve women’s access to specialised care without having to travel to tertiary health facilities. This can lead to timely services related to detection, care, and referral of complications associated with pregnancy can be provided to save lives.
Each iCTG machine set is approximately Nu 0.6 million.
Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo said that it was to enhance the accessibility of specialised care for every pregnant mother and child when the country does not have enough human resources and specialists.
“By doing this, we are enhancing progress towards the government’s goal of equitable access to essential health services,” Lyonpo said.
Lyonpo said that the people living in far-flung and remote villages should know about the services and avail them. “We will not have to face last-hour pregnancy complications if we avail the service diligently.”
Given the challenges of rugged geographical terrain, inadequate access to transportation facilities, and limited health infrastructure and health workforce at the specialist level, timely access to interventions during pregnancy and childbirth has been a perennial challenge. E-health is a strategic solution to address access issues around healthcare services.
Lyonpo said that the ministry will buy 20 more machines and distribute soon.