The health ministry received 51,480 doses of adult Pfizer vaccines from the US government yesterday. Patricia Lacina, Charge DÁffaires of the US Embassy in India who is currently in the country handed over the vaccines to Sowai Lyonpo Dechen Wangmo at the health ministry.

In support of Bhutan’s response to the pandemic, the US government through the Bhutan Foundation assisted worth USD 500,000.

The US has made a total of five donations so far since the first donation of 5,850 doses of adult Pfizer vaccines on May 25, 2021. As of today, Bhutan has received a total of 6,81,020 doses (147,420 adult Pfizer, 33,600 pediatric Pfizer, and 500,000 Moderna) of Covid-19 vaccines through the COVAX facility.
