To enhance uniformity in the implementation of drugs and tobacco law and procedures, a three-day training of police officers of eastern dzongkhags on drugs and tobacco law enforcement began in Trashigang yesterday.
Organised by the Bhutan Narcotics Control Authority (BNCA), the workshop is conducted for the officers in command (OCs) and superintendent of police (SP).
BNCA’s deputy chief programme officer, Chhimi Dorji, said that with the changing modus operandi during case investigations, the traditional enforcement approach doesn’t work anymore.
He said there is a need to educate and reeducate law-enforcing officials.
The training, he said would help police officers gain better perspectives on trafficking scenarios globally, regionally and at a national level.
Officials said that the three-day training would be an interactive programme where participants would share their best practices in handling drugs related cases.
However, Kuensel was not allowed to attend the interactive session of the training.
Staff Reporter