The recent heavy rain has damaged the highway, gewog centre (GC) roads and farm roads in eight gewogs of Mongar.
Although a major roadblock on the Gyalpoizhing-Nganglam highway, about 30km from Kurizampa towards Nganglam was cleared and opened to traffic on May 27 other roads in the gewogs are still blocked.
Among the gewogs, a major roadblock is reportedly in Chaskhar gewog on Gudari farm road. Gudari is about four kilometres from the gewog centre. Similarly, a farm road in Atola chiwog is reported to have minor blocks at many locations in Thangrong gewog.
A newly constructed farm road to Pam village in Nagor gewog is blocked near Nagor Lhakhang, while the gewog centre road is blocked at Natpalanang, approximately about 400 meters away from the gewog centre.
In Gongdue gewog, the GC road is blocked about six kilometres from the gewog centre while the landslide has blocked the GC road at Kidpari, five kilometres from the gewog centre, in Kengkhar gewog.
A retaining wall collapsed in Tsakaling primary school though no potential hazard to school was found. The Chalagang farm road remains blocked by the landslide.
Drangmaling farm road is also blocked in Tsamang gewog and the GC road and farm road in Sangkama and Tselam chiwogs are blocked in Jurmey gewog.
Gewog administrations are yet to carry out restoration work.
By Tshering Namgyal | Mongar
Edited by Tshering Palden