Ticketing agents asked to refund airfare
Dechen Dolkar
The Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (CCAA) fined a rice importer and distributor in Thimphu Nu 1.027 million for adulterating the rice imported.
According to CCAA officials, the business imported low-quality rice last year and sold it to customers in superior-quality bags, charging higher price. The authority came to know about it when consumers complained with evidence.
“The supplier imported SK Gold ( a brand of cheap rice) from India and repackaged it in Raj Bog Basmati(another brand) bags upon reaching Bhutan, which was then sold at Nu 300 more,” said a CCAA official.
The CCAA imposed the fine according to the Consumer Protection Rules and Regulations 2015, which states that violations of general trade practices will be fined equivalent to the value of goods sold or services provided through unfair trade practices, or equivalent to the value of two weeks’ sale proceeds collected through such practices if the value cannot be determined.
The official said that they collected data on the value and quantity of rice imported from the Department of Revenue of the Customs Office of the business entity. The business is currently non-operational.
Meanwhile, the CCAA also asked an individual to refund Nu 98,000 to customers related to air tickets.Two passengers had booked tickets to travel from Paro to Toronto, Canada. However, they were stranded in Bangkok, Thailand as they had not received their air tickets for the connecting flight.
The passengers complained to the CCAA, and the individual was asked to refund the total amount.
Nine consumer complaints were registered in April this year, of which five have been successfully resolved, while four are under investigation or mediation. Two complaints pertained to breaches of sales terms and conditions, two to delivery of sub-standard or poor-quality goods or services, five to other unethical business practices, and the last one to suspected operation of a pyramid scheme or Ponzi scheme in the market.