What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
Conducted mass clean up campaigns in all the six gewogs as well as in Haa town.
Essay-writing competition amongst schools in upper four gewogs on the theme Beat Plastic Pollution
To sustain the initiative/cleanliness in the dzongkhag, all six gewogs as well as Haa town decided to conduct mass cleanup campaign every month.
Which single activity do you feel shall serve as an example to be replicated in other dzongkhags?
While Haa is working in initiating an activity that could be replicated in the rest of the dzongkhags, one activity initiated in Gasa that could be worth replicating in rest of the dzongkhags is the installation of two large waste segregation and collection facilities that are built out of wire mesh with roofing and concrete floor. The waste segregation/collection facility has four compartments each for discarded paper/cardboards, cans & tins, Plastics and pet bottles respectively. Eco-Waste Solution based in Bajo was asked to buy recyclable waste collected at the waste segregation and collection facility. This has refrained people from practicing open dumping/burning. It also created awareness on 4R’s.
What are your future plans and activities?
Introduce waste segregation and collection facilities in each chiwog in close consultation with all Gewog administrations and Dzongkhag municipality Office.
Encourage youth to come up with solid waste businesses to realize our goal of turning trash into cash through the sale of recyclable waste.
Learn to make compost from kitchen waste from ThimphuThromde and replicate the idea in Haa.
Partner with Clean Bhutan to train housewives of army personnel in making souvenirs and other household items from plastics and tetra pack.
Partner with schools in Haa to replicate what other schools in Thimphu are doing in waste management by implementing 4R’s.
What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
Creating awareness/advocacy Programs to all business people, community/students/gewogs and chiwogs
Mass cleaning campaign and monthly cleaning in dzongkhag and all gewogs
Creating awareness on waste management to drivers and commuters on avoiding throwing of waste from vehicles
Installation of signboards on streams and water bodies to prevent washing of cars
Playing waste management audio on bus services and use of dustbin in buses – done by RSTA
Landfill area increased
Supplied separate dustbins for dry and wet waste to the gewogs and business community
Construction of communal disposal bin with two compartments (wet and dry) in some gewogs
Constructed communal septic tank for the business people
Construction of mandatory disposal pit in each household
Developed management plans for stray animals
Formation of sanitary committee in gewogs and dzongkhag
Developed draft waste management plans for dzongkhag and gewogs
Established storage/collection place for the dry waste (bottles and plastics) at Sumpa
Which single activity do you feel shall serve as an example to be replicated in other dzongkhags?
The development of management plans for stray animals
What are your future plans and activities?
Establishment of proper waste collection centre (drop off centre), segregation of waste at source, plan different collection timing for dry and wet waste
Development of compost pit
Construction of compartmentalised landfill for dry and wet waste
Banning plastics and using of bangchungand Dapa.
What activities were carried out to address waste management issues?
Monthly cleaning campaign monthly
Awareness campaign on waste management to every community that we can reach.
From June 5, 2018, the dzongkhag administration along with business community of Mongar, and a private waste management firm M/s WeCARE, signed a pledge to segregate our waste.
Which single activity do you feel shall serve as an example to be replicated in other dzongkhags?
Continuous and rigorous awareness campaign can be replicated to other Dzongkhag
What are your future plans and activities?
Establish waste segregation plant where we can make compost out of bio-degradable wastes in huge amount
Continue awareness program on waste management.
As part of environment day celebration this year, a competition was held among dzongkhags and thromdes to encourage waste management initiatives for environment protection. The dzongkhags and thromdes were judged on activities carried out over the last one year. The National Environment Commission Secretariat organised the event among the dzongkhags and thromdes. Kuensel will publish a series on the initiatives taken since June 4, 2017 – June 4, 2018.