As we stride forward in our journey of economic development, we are encountering a need for innovative strategies to diversify our economy, to create jobs, and spur growth.

Amidst this our national pursuit, industrial parks emerge as promising avenues for driving industrialisation, entrepreneurship growth, and harnessing the country’s potential.

Are we investing enough there, though? We need to re-think.

Industrial parks, designated zones tailored for industrial activities, should offer conducive environment for businesses to thrive, innovate, and contribute to national prosperity. Is this happening?

Growth must be given time and space. These parks serve as catalysts for economic transformation, attract investments, stimulate innovation, and to create employment opportunities across the many various sectors.

One of the key advantages of industrial parks lies in its ability to address infrastructure gaps and to provide essential amenities for businesses in the country to flourish. In our case, by offering well-planned layouts, reliable utilities, and modern facilities, industrial parks can enhance the competitiveness of businesses, streamline operations, and accelerate growth.

By nature  industrial parks play a pivotal role in promoting regional development and decentralisation. When opportunities for the people grow, the nation grows.

However, ideas have their expiry timeline too. For us, forging new ideas is more important; that is why we are looking afar, into the future.

Taking industrial parks outside major urban centres is new development, a novel idea. But it is the balance that we seek as a nation in the region that is increasingly becoming volatile.

Direction, so, is important—where are we as a nation heading today?

At a time when the nation is going through a robust “reform” activities and processes, we may have just a small window of time to negotiate and assert our interests in the global platforms.

Economic development is important to us as much as we are small and earnest in our hearts to rise and play a vital international role. Our belief is that when neighbours and the world beyond are at peace, we too are. That is when true progress happens.

Therefore, we should leverage the unique strengths of our position and economy, and urge our neighbour to grow along with the region’s true capacity.

For us, for Bhutan, industrial parks hold immense promise as engines of economic development and drivers of inclusive growth.

