On October 13, 2024, Canberra became the backdrop for an unprecedented gathering of over 5,000 Bhutanese at the Hall Showground. A member of the Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) project team, clearly taken aback by the sheer magnitude of the event, asked me, “How are the Bhutanese able to come together like this?”

I quickly replied: “It’s because of one Extraordinary Individual—His Majesty The King.” With a knowing smile, I added, “What you see now is just the beginning. In a few minutes, when His Majesty arrives, you will witness something truly extraordinary—an energy that will ripple through the ground in a deep reverence before rising again, charged with emotion. It will build, then surge and explode into an outpouring of feelings, because people have missed their King so deeply.” And true enough, as His Majesty made His entrance, the crowd fell into a reverent silence as a palpable hush fell over the crowd followed by an emotional wave that left an indelible mark. He witnessed it, felt it, and knew exactly what I meant.

That powerful energy was unmistakable that day, a manifestation of the deep and unique bond between the people of Bhutan and their Beloved King, a connection built on solid trust and unshakeable loyalty. This extraordinary energy has seen us through our most trying moments and, as His Majesty most eloquently expressed during the Royal Audience, remains the very strength of our nation.

Reflecting on that day, I’m struck by the serendipity of the weather. The day prior had been cold and blustery, and the day following was marked by intermittent rain. Yet on Sunday, October 13, the skies smiled, as if nature itself recognised the significance of the moment.

His Majesty The King, Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen, Their Royal Highnesses Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck, and Gyalsem Sonam Yangden Wangchuck brought immeasurable joy to the Bhutanese community in Canberra. For many, this was an unmissable moment—a chance to be up close and personal with one of the world’s most admired royal families. People had planned their leave well in advance, and some even put aside work commitments to attend. The Bhutanese community in Canberra is deeply grateful to Their Majesties for taking the time to meet them, making the visit a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will be cherished forever.

The Royal Visit also coincided with the 13th Royal Wedding Anniversary, adding an extra layer of joy to the occasion. As Their Majesties stood before the anniversary cake, the crowd sang “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” their voices filled with warmth and admiration, clapping and swaying to the rhythm. The experience was nothing short of magical, brimming with love and heartfelt gratitude for Their Majesties.

But the October 13 gathering was not just a celebration of the Royal Visit; it is a reminder of the great potential that lies ahead for Bhutan. The extraordinary energy we felt that day holds within it all the promise of a more prosperous Palden Drukpa. As we look ahead, we must harness that energy to unite our efforts, embrace news ideas, and commit to continual progress.

Addressing the Bhutanese community in Canberra, His Majesty shared a vision for the nation, grounded in the legacy of His Majesty The Great Fourth, who laid the foundation for this Royal Vision. His Majesty’s words carried a deep sense of purpose: to reconnect with His people, to share the Royal Vision that will be realised through the GMC project, and to initiate a conversation that would invite input and collaboration in bringing this Royal Vision to life. It was a moment that ignited a renewed sense of national pride and hope, calling every Bhutanese to rally behind a vision that promises a brighter future for Bhutan.

His Majesty’s words to His people were particularly touching. He encouraged them to make the most of their time abroad, to work hard, and to continue supporting their families back home, emphasising that is also nation building. His Majesty urged them to return with the skills and knowledge they would have gained to help build a stronger Bhutan, while also reminding them to care for their own well-being. His Majesty’s message resonated deeply underscoring the essential role that each Bhutanese plays in the nation’s journey forward.

The GMC is more than a project; it represents a visionary bridge between Bhutan’s past, present, and future. It seeks to overcome the challenges of being landlocked, paving the way for new opportunities and prosperity. With His Majesty’s Royal Vision, we see a future where Bhutan’s youth can build rewarding careers at home, guided by the principles of mindfulness and sustainability. His Majesty’s message was a call to action inviting every Bhutanese to play a part in this transformation. The overwhelming response seen during the Royal Audience suggests that many are ready to heed that call.

As I stood among the thousands of Bhutanese at the Hall Showground that day, watching the GMC team member marvel at our unity, I realised that this extraordinary energy—this deep spiritual bond between the People’s King and His people—is what will carry Bhutan forward. It is not only the source of our strength today but the foundation on which we will build our tomorrow.

Together, let us continue to nurture this sacred energy and use it to inspire national progress. Every Bhutanese, whether at home or abroad, has a vital role to play in realising the bright future that His Majesty The King envisions through the GMC project.

Long Live His Majesty The King!

Contributed by

Dorji Tshering

Canberra, Australia
