One of the resolutions of Thimphu Thromde Tshogde is to increase the daily wage of labourers of Taba and Dechencholing starting this month.
Taba thuemi proposed the wage raise of eight labourers from Nu 165 to Nu 215 a day at the closing of Thromde’s council meeting yesterday.
The thuemi hired four workers each in Taba and Dechencholing to maintain and clean the community. The workers, under the guidance of the thuemi, take care of problems related to drainage, waste and water shortage in the community, among others.
The cleaning and maintenance work in Taba and Dechencholing is given to the community and the result has been good, setting a good example to other communities, said Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee. People taking responsibility to clean and maintain their community benefit the thromde.
The thromde has a limited number of workers and it is not possible to inspect and monitor the workers frequently. As a result, there is a possibility that the work will not be carried out efficiently and effectively.
“If other thuemis could also initiate the same, the thromde will give all the support it can,” Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said.
The thuemis have approved Greener Way’s submission for advance payment from thromde to procure a waste collection truck.
Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said that Greener Way is providing better collection and disposal of waste service in the city’s south and central zones. Unlike the thromde, Greener Way uses waste collection trucks frequently, resulting repeated breakdown of trucks that hampers the service.
The support will help Greener Way provide better services to the residents, added Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee. However, Greener Way has to clear the advance amount of Nu 2.2 million by June next year.
Thromde officials also updated the thuemis on the status of the construction of low-income housing for municipal workers and the revamping of incinerators at the cremation ground in the city.
The constructions of two low-income housing should have been completed by December. However, only one house can be completed on time because of use of local materials that require high quality monitoring and limited supply of materials, among others.
According to thromde officials, such limitations occur because thromde wants to minimise the expenditure and construct the houses within the budget. The construction of the second house will be completed by April next year.
In the meantime, the materials to revamp the incinerators have reached Calcutta and the work is expected to begin next month. The duration for the completion of the work is three months.
By Dechen Tshomo