Tsimalakha hospital won the departmental volleyball championship that was played at Chhukha Centre School’s football ground yesterday.

Tsimalakha hospital won the first set 25-17. Youth Development & Rehabilitation Centre, Tsimasham won the second set to extend the match a fourth set. The hospital won the third and fourth set to win championship.

A total of 11 teams participated in the tournament that was organised by the Ngoedrup-tse Sport Association (NSA) in Chhukha.

NSA volleyball’s chairperson,who is also a teacher at Chhukha Centre School, Pem Dorji, said the tournament was organised to promote sport culture and healthy lifestyle besides strengthening social relation among people in the locality.

Pem Dorji said the tournament was brought back after about ten years. “This will encourage civil servants to participate rather than staying at home without work in the weekend,” he said.

One of the participants said that such tournament had many benefits. Chhukha Centre School’s teacher, DB Mongar, said that some of the people had skills to play but were reluctant to participate. “This tournament will motivate them.”

The chairman said the tournament was mainly for the civil servants and local residents, and would continue as an annual event.

NSA is not affiliated with Bhutan Olympic Federation (BOC). Pem Dorji said NSA had received a letter from BOC to organise such tournament and to submit reports in order to affiliate with BOC.

The finalists were awarded cash prize of Nu 10,000 and Nu 7,000 respectively.

Ugyen Dorji
