Crime: Thimphu police last month arrested two suspects involved in the burglary of a textile shop at the craft bazaar in Chubachu, two years after the case was first reported.
In July 2013, the shop owner reported to police that some miscreants had broken into her shop and stolen more than 13 kiras, tablecloths and cushion covers worth more than Nu 200,000.
A police official said that despite efforts, they could not trace the miscreants.  “Due to lack of any clues, no suspects were apprehended then,” said a police.
Last month, police received information that a 44-year-old momo seller was seen dealing with expensive kiras. It was found that the momo seller has some acquaintance with a person who is a caretaker of the Army Welfare Project in Thimphu.
On interrogation, the caretaker revealed that he bought a kira for his niece from the momo seller. However, the caretaker refused of having any relation with the seller saying that they met only once when he came to sell the kiras.
The shop owner confirmed that the seized kira from the caretaker’s niece is one of the kiras from her shop.
Police found that the momo seller lives in Hongkong market and also works as an assistant cook at a hotel. A 39-year-old man was found to have accompanied the momo seller in the crime.
The suspects had shared the loot. It was found that the momo seller sold five kiras to the caretaker while the 39-year-old man sold his share to a scrap dealer from whom eight kiras were seized.
Police recovered 11 kiras and the rest are yet to be traced.
By Dechen Tshomo
