Chhimi Dema
Eight national federations of SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SAARC CCI) appointed Ugen Tsechup Dorji as its Senior Vice President on June 30.
Ugen Tsechup Dorji said that through this chamber Bhutan could do business with other countries such as the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – a foreign trade and investment promotion agency or ASEAN Chambers of Commerce to export produce to beyond the region.
“The presence of regional tie-ups and connection of SAARC CCI with other organizations would enable private sector in the country to utilize SAARC CCI to look for avenue beyond our immediate neighbours.”
He said that the regional organisation will look for measures to improve the intra-regional trade and ease trading within SAARC countries to benefit all private sectors of the region.
He said that Bhutan could not use SAARC CCI as much in the past. “There is huge potential for trade and commerce for Bhutan if SAARC CCI platform is use properly,” he said.
Ugen Tsechup Dorji would serve as Senior Vice President for two years and take over as the president. He was the president from 2006 -2007.
SAARC CCI also designated Iftikar Ali Malik from Pakistan as the president during the joint session of the Executive Committee Meeting and General Assembly Meeting of SAARC CCI which was held virtually.
SAARC CCI is the regional apex body for trade founded in 1985 to promote trade and industry. The trade body is accepted as the voice of private sectors across the region.