After securing 85 votes of the total 104 votes cast through the electronic voting machine (EVM), Sonam Choden was elected as the tshogpa for Doongchilo-Kholomri demkhong in Dechheling gewog yesterday in Pemagatshel.
Pemagatshel now has five female tshogpas and a female mangi. Winning by a landslide, Sonam Choden defeated two male candidates, Choni Dorji who secured eight EVM votes and two postal ballots and Thinley Tenpa, who got 13 votes including two postal ballots.
Sonam Choden had resigned as a teacher in 1996 due to domestic problems and have been living in the village since then.
The election for vacant demkhong was conducted after three demkhongs in Pemagatshel remained vacant during the second local government election last year.
After losing the post for mangmi last year, Tashi Dorji yesterday secured 22 Yes Votes of the 27 and is now the tshogpa of Woonborang demkhong.
Winning 36 ‘Yes’ and seven ‘No’ votes through EVM and six postal ballots, 25-year old class XII graduate Rinchen Tenpa is the new tshogpa of Namdaling demkhong. The demkhong had remained vacant after the people voted out their former tshogpa.
However in Samdrupjongkhar, three demkhongs still remain vacant with no candidates contesting for the election. The three demkhongs are Tshoduen and Damsagang Toed in Samrang gewog and Tshothang in Lauri gewog.
With 10 ‘Yes’ votes, Yoezer Dorji was elected as the new thromde tshogpa for Samdrupjongkhar toed constituency. His election has now filled all six constituencies in Samdrupjongkhar thromde.
Securing 91 votes, Chojay Norbu defeated Sangay Dorji to become the tshopga for Rikhay demkhong in Dewathang gewog while Pema Gyeltshen with 62 yes votes and five no votes, is the new tshogpa of Martang demkhong.
Rinzin, who had lost in the second local government election, secured 57 ‘Yes’ votes and 51 ‘No’ votes to become the tshogpa of Nabar_Philooma demkhong in Orong gewog.
Yeshi Wangchuk is the new tshogpa of Betseling_Doongmanma demkhong in Lauri gewog after securing 106 ‘Yes’ votes and eight ‘No’ votes.
Meanwhile, Dzongkhag election officer Norbu Wangdi said another round of election would be held for the vacant demkhongs if candidates come forward to contest.
Yangchen C Rinzin | Samrupjongkhar