… by then vegetable markets in the zones would be complete
Yangyel Lhaden
In two months, all vendors operating at the Centenary Farmers Market (CFM) in Thimphu will move out to their designated vegetable markets in various zones across the thromde.
CFM is identified as a high-risk area during the pandemic and the increasing urbanisation, and population density at the CFM remain significant issues increasing the burden on the city’s infrastructure.
Thimphu Thrompon, Kinlay Dorjee said that the decision to move vegetable vendors would decongest CFM, and allow the government to convert it into a commercial space which would not attract as much a crowd as CFM did.
Thimphu thromde is working on to relocate vendors of CFM to various zones and multi-level parking buildings.
On Sunday, around 200 vegetable vendors and around 150 local produce vendors participated in a lucky draw for the new locations in the zones. Vendors selling dairy products, dry fish, cereals and others would participate in the lucky draw for the new locations today.
The construction of new vegetable markets in zones is expected to complete within two months.
The thrompon said that considering the urgency of vegetable vendors to sell their goods; the thromde was working round the clock to ensure everything completes on time.
One market will be in Motithang above fuel station with space for about 40 vendors, two at Babesa – above and below expressway, and parking area above Changbangdu vegetable market.
The vendors who got the new locations – multi-level parking buildings would be able to begin selling their products from today. The vendors who got new areas at zones would be allowed to sell at CFM until the construction of vegetable markets in zones complete.
Thrompon Kinlay Dorjee said that the size of vegetable markets at zones would depend on the space and population density.
“We are proposing to build another structure at Chang Gidaphu for about 16 vendors.”
The thrompon said that in zones with low population density, the thromde would build a few shops to ensure people had access to vegetables in case of a lockdown.
The vegetable markets at various zones will sell all the products which were available at the CFM. The thrompon said that there would not be wholesalers anymore and products would be procured from the dzongkhags in collaboration with the thromde, which would ensure all zones get the same quality and price of products.
“Unlike in the past, there would not be a hierarchy of supply chain, and the people would only have to bear transportation charges.”