Neten Dorji | Trashigang

The construction projects in Bidung Lower Secondary School in Bidung and Dungtse Central School in Phongmey, Trashigang have taken years and have finally come to naught.

The dzongkhag’s tender committee on April 11, 2018, terminated project of two contactors, Dechen Construction and Zhangchog Construction, for failing to complete the construction projects in Bidung, Phongmey, and Merak.


The construction in Bidung Lower Secondary School

Dechen Construction had quoted Nu 26.690 million (M) for the construction of two hostels in Dungtse Central School in Phongmey.  In Bidung, the project was quoted at amount Nu 13.980M.

Before termination of the work, the contractor had carried out projects worth Nu 15.190M in Phonmey. And there was an excess payment of Nu 5.112M for construction of two hostels in Dungtse CS, and Nu 6.641M in Bidung Lower Secondary School.

The structures have not seen any development since.

Bidung Gup Sonam Phuntsho said people kept questioning about the structures. “The case has been forwarded to Anti Corruption Commission. We have not heard from the commission even after repeated enquiries.”

People say that without care, the structures have begun to cover by plants and construction materials are disappearing from the sites.

“We don’t even know what led to all this and who is responsible,” said a villager. “Nothing is happening and that worries us.”

Phongmey Mangmi Tshering Wangchuk said that people were not happy with construction sites turning into forests. “We keep telling people that the case is with ACC but they want to know more,” he said. “The school upgradation is not happening because of this problem, which has been dragging for years.”

Is ACC’s lack of action or response the real problem? The people seem to think so. It has been three years since the case was forwarded to the ACC. Where are the contractors, for example? They can’t be reached or contacted.

Is Covid-19 a hurdle?

Unlike as it sounds, the Office of the Attorney General claims it is because the case was finalised by March was ready to be forwarded to the dzongkhag court. And the travel restriction comes to the picture.

But what took the whole process so very long? That, somehow, do not come to the picture very clearly.
