We all want more discipline, but it seems only a few achieve the level that we strive for. What do those who have high levels of discipline have or do that are different from the masses? Better yet, how do we attain it?

Disciplined people have very well strengthened WILLPOWER and they train it regularly.

What is willpower?

Willpower is the inner strength that transcends lethargy, discomfort, and obstacles.

The one currency that fuels all progression including self discipline. The ability to do the things that is helpful and the ability to refrain from doing the things that are harmful.

The people with high level of discipline  understand the value of acquiring willpower and strengthening it through regular exercise.

Willpower is very much like a muscle, use it or lose it is it’s motto. It thrives in the presence of consistent challenge and resistance, and dies in the absence of regular stress. Like a muscle in the beginning it is weak and fails under new pressure but through perseverance and repetition it grows bigger and stronger.

How to TRAIN it?

You can train it by doing the necessary things that you have been postponing, the things you have been fearing and above all doing the things that are most meaningful and valuable to you. Similarly like a muscle you need to start low and slow or else you risk hurting it as opposed to strengthening it. It needs only  a tiny bit more stress than what it can currently handle. It only requires some stimulation not annihilation. It understands and values discomfort not destruction.

Willpower is FINITE

Every day we wake up with a very limited amount of willpower. No matter how strong your willpower it has only so much endurance in it. So use it wisely. Know your priorities at all times. Invest in your needs first and than spend the remaining over wants and desires. Once depleted it can be best replenished with sufficient sleep and calories.

“Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will”- Mahatma Gandhi
