Dechen Dolkar

Bhutan Tendrel Party has completed declaring all its candidates with the declaration of the candidates for South Thimphu constituency and Lamgong-Wangchang constituency in Paro to contest in the fourth National Assembly elections. 

The former Secretary General of the National Assembly, Tandin Tshering will represent South Thimphu constituency.

The 54-year-old has a Master’s Degree in Business Management. He has over 31 years of experience in the civil service. 

He joined the civil service as a trainee officer in the then Ministry of Trade and Industry and rose to the rank of Director General in the same Ministry.

The party declared Kunzang Dorji to represent Lamgong-Wangchang constituency in Paro. 

The 40-year-old graduated from the Institute of Culture and Language Studies in 2007 and served in the civil service as a Dzongkha Development Officer. 

He has served in the Anti-Corruption Commission in various capacities.

After resigning from the civil service in February 2016, Kunzang Dorji started a successful water bottling plant which he ran for seven years. 

He also started a dzongkha translation firm to keep his interest and passion for dzongkha language alive.

He also contested for the National Council elections in 2018. 

He is from Drukgyal, Paro.
