We are done with the new year and Nyilo celebrations. The weekend provides the time to rest and recover from the celebrations and get ready to get down to business. We wished our family, friends and colleagues a happy and prosperous year.
As we look ahead to a new year, the new year comes with responsibilities. A happy and prosperous year begins by understanding that there is much to be done. Just before the year ended, Bhutanese listened to the Royal Address on the National Day where His Majesty the King underlined the responsibilities of the Bhutanese to ensure a peaceful, secure and a prosperous Bhutan.
The call is on each of us, and must be heeded. The expectation, among the people, is that those in governance must provide the right leadership, the civil service must transform, the private sector should grow and the youth must be included as we embrace change. Wishes must not remain wishes. Working together, our collective efforts should result in change that prepares us for the vision that many are struggling to comprehend.
The year that just passed by could be a year of reflection. Are we prepared for the winds of change that is going to sweep across the country? We must not resign to flow with the changes. We must be ready to embrace the impending changes. In short, we must get down to work to live up to the vision of His Majesty the King.
The vision is crystal clear. The expectation is of an enlightened entrepreneurial bureaucracy that will function as a multinational company – functioning on the principles of professionalism, efficiency and output. The bureaucracy has been given a 10-year deadline. His Majesty underlined the complexities of our numerous legislation that is seen as stifling innovation and growth. The concern is if the rest of the country will be left behind because of these complexities.
The time is right. As we return to work on Monday, the Royal vision shared with the nation should be the guiding light in welcoming 2025. We could start with public consultations on how legislations are a hurdle to economic growth or progress. Going by public feedback, the mountain of policies and rules and regulations are not only burdening, but becoming a bottleneck to innovation and growth.
Our strength is our loyalty, devotion and the will for collective efforts to ensure that we are unique and different. If these strengths are channeled to innovation through inclusiveness, we are already on a good footing for change and the call for building a strong country. With the royal vision of a Gelephu Mindfulness City, many are excited to be a part of the change and contribute to the unique concept that is gaining momentum and admiration worldwide.
As Buddhists, we are convinced that change is the only permanent thing in the world. And as we welcome a new year, recollecting His Majesty’s National Day address gives us, with clarity, a sound basis to tackle challenges shambling us and aspire for newer innovations.
Simply put, we should seriously get down to work.