… supporters also fine Nu 15,000 each

Neten Dorji

Trashigang Dzongkhag Election Dispute Settlement Body yesterday fined Norbu Wangchuk, candidate of the People Democratic Party, Nu 37,500 for violating election laws. 

He violated section 294 of Election Act and section 7.1.2 of Rules on Election Conduct 2022 and section 10.1.1 and section  

The Kanglung-Samkhar-Udzorong candidate of People’s Democratic Party,  Norbu Wangchuk filed a written complaint with the DEDSB alleging that the BTP President had donated Nu 10,000 to shopkeeper Rinchen Peldon on 116th National Day to conduct a marathon. 

“The PDP’s candidate of Kanglung-Samkhar-Udzorong lacks tangible evidence and witnesses,” the letter states. “After hearing from a few people without any supporting documentation and making false accusations, he filed a complaint against Pema Chewang.”  

PDP’s supporter Kinzang Tobgay was also fined Nu 15,000 for spreading false allegations in the community.  

The letter states that he violated section 10.1.1 of Rules on Election Conduct in the Kingdom of Bhutan 2022 and its section “He propagated false accusations without looking into them.” 

Meanwhile, shopkeeper Rinchen Peldon also fined Nu 15,000 for conducting a marathon without any approval from the Dzongkhag Election Authority and seeking donations from candidates during the election period. “She has solicited contributions from candidates and disregarded the Election Commission of Bhutan’s notification.” 

The candidate and supporters have five days to pay the fine or appeal to the ECB’s central dispute resolution body.
