Nim Dorji | Trongsa
Monsoon is here. Residents of Langthel are worried about the cracks on the walls of their houses.
Cracks began developing in 2016. Authorities concerned have nothing so far to allay fears.
The people blame the heavy dumper trucks of the Mangdechu Hydro Power Authority (MHPA) for the cracks.
Dechen, who ran a shop, has to leave her house.
“All the stocks are now old. It’s been a heavy blow to my business,” she said.
Dechen said that came to inspect and the people were told that a study would be carried out. The residents submitted another petition in 2017.
Tenzin Peldon, a resident, said that due to cracks on the walls, it was difficult to get tenants. “We are worried that the continuous rain might bring down the walls.”
Choney Zangmo, a tenant, said: “When the heavy vehicles pass, we feel the vibrations.”
Yeshi Palden left his house and moved in to another house. “With the cracks on the wall becoming bigger by the day, it is not safe to stay.”
Langthel Gup Sonam Dhendup said that the dzongkhag administration was informed following complaints from the resident.
He said that with the project nearing the completion, gewog and dzongkhag administration would inform MHPA to help in restoration.
The gewog administration on June 9, 2019 wrote to dzongkhag to investigate the cracks. A team lead by dzongdag visited the site for verification and cost estimation.
On 29 May 2020, a team from disaster management visited the site, compiled a report and submitted to MHPA on June 4.
MHPA has been told to compensate the residents.
It was learnt that MHPA in collaboration with the dzongkhag will do another investigation.