Damage: The recent rains destroyed a few choetens in Bumthang. It also left a few people panicked.

Heavy rains destroyed a Jangchub choeten and two Khangzang choetens. Police visited the sites and the people handed over the relics from the choetens to gewog leaders.

Incessant rains had damaged the roofs of the choetens. Police said the relics were all intact and safe.

The Jangchub choeten at Shetangla on the way from Chamkhar to Ura was destroyed on July 24 and the Khangzang choeten at Tandingang in Tang on July 27. The rains also damaged another Khangzang choeten at Lugirawa in Chokhor.

Police said the relics of the Jangchub choeten in Ura and the Khangzang choeten in Tang were exposed due to severe damage to the choetens. The Khangzang choeten in Lugirawa had sustained damage on the outer structures.

All three choetens were recently repaired after they were vandalised.

Nima Wangdi | Bumthang
