Relief measures worth Nu 3.37B

In shouldering one of the biggest afflictions of the Covid19 pandemic, financial institutions are likely to forego an estimated income on interest to the tune of Nu 1.68B in three months.

GDP growth predicted to be between 2.2 and 2.9 percent in 2020

The government had just about laid the foundation and set the tone...

Landlords wait for more details on loans

The government decided to defer repayment of all types of loans...

Lockdown in India and border sealing affects DCCL’s product sale

Lockdown in India and border sealing affected Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited’s...

Thromde hires entertainment employees as cleaners

Samdrupjongkhar thromde hired 27 employees working in the entertainment houses in...

Cabbies abide by odd-even rule

It would not be like this normally. Rules come and people...

All businesses to close shop by 7pm, gatherings discouraged

In their effort to ensure that there is no risk of...

Govt announces details of major initiatives

As per His Majesty The King’s command, people who have been...

App for counselling is defunct

With many youth hesitant to do face to face counselling, a...

Contributing to a cause

A proprietor of a small business literally ran away when a...

Bittersweet reunion

Facility quarantine centres in Paro finally have come alive. Parents have...

Animal care shelters run out of food

Otherwise seen in huge packs, stray dogs in the core areas...

Stockpiling fuel and essential items begins

The government has allocated adequate resources for import of fuel and...
