Yoga master awarded gold

It is more than just fancy postures and controlling your breath. It is a journey of self through the self to the self.

If I can, anyone can quit drugs

Phub Dorji never imagined that he would work at a five...

The milk men of Panbang

It’s almost noon. Two elderly men appear on the streets of...

Paving the road to recovery

Many are successfully recovering and five of them have chosen to...

Seven lives, one city

Thimphu, the new film by Chand RC, is a drama following...

Beating a habit

On a chilly winter evening in January 1989, a healthy baby...

The young entrepreneur of remote Gakiling

In the desolate gewog of Gakiling in Haa, Ugyen, a class...

Lucky agent’s way with the lottery

Profile: Seated under the shade of the cinema theatre...

Wola Gyalpo’s forgotten choeten

Culture: The last rays of the winter sun penetrate through...

A lhakhang where both genders are not allowed

Religion: Women are restricted from entering goenkhangs (sanctums) of any sacred...

Weekdays are best time to fetch Kurje Drubchu

Religion: If you are a resident of Bumthang and...

An unknown but sacred choeten in Bumthang

Heritage: Most are not aware of a small choeten...

Hitching a ride in Zhemgang

Lack of a frequent public transport system in Zhemgang forces many...
