Organic dreams from Alpine Austria

Farming: Two sprightly young men from Bumthang have brought home from the northern Alps new dreams of organic farming. They recently returned from a two-month sojourn in a country where the combination of chilli and cheese doesn’t become ema datshi, but chilli cheese, a particular kind of cheese.

A gift for homeless in Trashigang

Charity: Ap Zhokpo, 64, looks by much older than...

Collaring the Manas tigers

Study: The maiden tiger radio collar programme began at...

Blame the hail and rain

Agriculture: Trashigang surpassed the dzongkhag’s paddy production target last...

Urgent Run campaign to improve state of public toilets

Bhutan Toilet Organisation’s 120 members across the country will clean and...

The mysterious case of vanishing cattle

About 20 cows and bulls have been reported missing in the...

Waiting for electricity

Villagers left in the dark while the local BPC office awaits...

The clay statue maker of Ramtogtok

The artist plans to make statues affordable for every Bhutanese 

The fit centenarian of Lhamoizingkha

Profile: Lhamoizingkha’s oldest resident, Bhim Bahadur Basnet is 104...

Where are the White-bellied Heron juveniles?

For the last 13 years, the number of this critically endangered...

The last hat weavers of Laya

There are only two traditional hat weavers in the gewog today 

The “Austra-Laya” of Bhutan

… Bhutanese across the country flock to Laya for work given...

Layaps go for vegetables

Farming: Located just below the snowline, layaps, (people of...
