Thimphu thromde revises rent for vegetable sheds

From July end, vendors of new medium vegetable sheds in Thimphu thromde will pay rent amounting to Nu 3,300 and Nu 3,700 depending on the plinth area of the vegetable shed.  

Pandemic delays LAP preparation in Mongar town

Preparation of Changshingpeg and Naling local area plan (LAP) in Mongar...

Three from religious body test positive for HIV

Of the 32 people, who tested positive for HIV in the...

Capital’s outdoor gyms in poor state 

“Let’s make the best use of the facilities and it is...

Travellers out of Nganglam quarantine in Panbang

Nganglam residents in Pemagatshel now have to travel 55km to Panbang...

44 people reportedly missing in the past six months

It has been 25 days since a 26-year-old lecturer, who is...

Opposition expresses concerns on farmers’ inability to sell vegetables 

The Opposition Party has said that the government must look into...

Project begins at Gasa’s new town in Kolikha

The existing Gasa town is a small cluster of grocery stores,...

Chilli growers in Zhemgang disappointed with poor market

An acute shortage of chillies last winter drove farmers in Zhemgang...

The evolution of the Tshogdu

Summoning all his courage, Limu chimi stood up, walked towards the...

We can do better: MPs

Two men argue about the performance of their Member of Parliament...

Issues with legislative procedure remain

The disputed Mines and Minerals Bill 2020 was supposed to be...

The agenda of the first NA session 

The first Speaker of the National Assembly (NA) was the Rinpung...
